Physics Philosophy




A Philosophy


Occasionally one must enter the Mansion of Inquiry through the back door to get to the living room of Truth.
© Copyright April 2004
William S. Davis
All Rights Reserved.




The enormous gains in the sciences have been accompanied by energetic speculation, deep intuitive thinking, and costly experimentation by those whose quest is to uncover the seminal realities which explain the structure of the universe. However, the cascade of knowledge and ideas seems only to have confounded the search for rational solutions. This presentation is my philosophy constructed upon a reinterpretation of existing discoveries.

Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes put forward a certain logic, and, during the pursuit of universal truths about the order of the cosmos, one can draw on Mr. Holmes’ wisdom. In paraphrase only, he said that when confronted with an unsolved mystery, one can discover the solution by ruling out everything that is impossible, so that the answer is the only thing remaining which is possible, no matter how improbable.

My speculations about the universe are, hopefully, not in conflict with proven truths. They will, however, sharply digress from existing, unproven theories. The aim of this effort is to present a rationale based on my belief that the relationship between the very small and the very large and the forces of nature can be explained by the introduction of new interpretations about the participants in the universal order.






… … …and God made the firmament——-and God called the firmament Heaven——and the firmament showeth his handiwork.

Extracts from three books of the Bible


How did all the stuff we call matter come into existence? Was mass somewhere else first, in another form? What made it appear, and from what did it emerge? When did time begin? And why does matter signify the presence of energy? How are the forces of nature – the electro-magnetic, strong, weak, and gravitational – related to each other, to energy, to time, and to mass? We may never know the answers to the mysteries, but a reinterpretation of existing knowledge may provide some clues.




I call it Firmamentum (Fm) after the stuff God made. Fm is the heavens: it is the cosmos, yet exists with such unexampled sublimity that it is beyond human cognizance. The nature of Fm is waiting to be discovered, yet it is the birth giver of matter and time. A fraction of its consist may be deduced, but not all, for the broth is a timeless continuum which contains a mixture of all sub-quantum particles, unimaginably small components, inconceivably numerous. Out of the Fm soup matter precipitated, and through reverse action, matter is resorbed into Fm. The condensation of matter out of Fm and its return into “solution” began in the past beyond past and will continue into a future beyond future. As Fm dissolves mass into itself, time and energy vanish. The resorption of matter into Fm is the end game for time and energy.

Of what is Fm composed? The fractional building blocks of all sub-quantum particles co-mingle into the Fm matrix, each coexisting in a relationship of neutral balance with all other sub-quantum particles in a form of being which we would not describe as matter, for time does not exist in Firmamentum, and it is the force of time which gives value to matter.

Fm is a solvent. Matter, as we know and accept it, is an energy imbalance with Fm and is endlessly attacked by Fm to achieve its absorption into Fm. Once matter is absorbed, its physical form and properties alter completely, and it then exists in a situation where energy disappears. The resorption of one bonding constituent of a particle of matter into Fm produces a disassociation of the various remaining, unabsorbed components in a burst of electromagnectic and sub-quantum particle energy that adds heat within the Fm matrix.

In the past beyond past, in that universe which preceded our own, all matter had been dissolved into Fm, all electromagnetic transmissions had ceased, and the cosmic temperature dropped to absolute zero.

As heat vanished from the heavens, Fm began massive volumetric contractions toward those various regions which first reached a temperature of absolute zero. Fm from throughout the heavens compacted itself into these areas. Fm continued to compress, and its sub-quantum components began to coalesce into bits of matter. Huge amounts of Fm concentrated into each new particle, and massive amounts of precipitates billowed out of the Fm matrix into the zero temperature realms of space. Matter was born out of the cold in various regions where temperatures had reached their irreducible minimum.

New matter continued to spew forth from the cold realms of particle creation, and new materializations pushed outward on those which preceded. The outward expansion of new matter eventually arrived into the vague boundaries of lowered Fm compression that continued to indicate the regions which retained a temperature above absolute zero. Resorption action upon the newly arrived particles gradually increased the production of heat from energetic, unbonded particles. As heat rose and permeated the zero temperature compression zones, Fm contraction ceased and the creation epoch came to an end. The randomly distributed matter formation regions account for the subsequent, irregular dispersal of galaxies.

The return of matter and heat to the new universe, although it ended the current cycle of creation, has not, however, brought stability. The dissolving action which heats space continues unabated, sub-atomic particles continually pop in, then out of, material existence, and families of galaxies are in an accelerating state of separation from each other, the reason for which is explained in the Force of Time section. What is really new about all this? Probably nothing. In the past beyond past, another universe preceded our own, and another before then, and in the future beyond future, other universes will succeed this one.

The cycles of Fm zero temperature state, matter creation and reabsorption, and back again to absolute zero are the nature of things, and the comprehension and verification of the processes and their immensity is a timeless challenge.




Just as scientists and engineers can intuit the properties of an electron without ever having observed one, a person may infer basic assumptions about the properties of Fm through inductive and abstract reasoning. Direct observation of Fm may never be achieved. Nevertheless, certain fundamental properties can be ascribed to it:

It is an inelastic fluid alloy composed of a innumerable variety of sub-quantum units.
It is a medium out of which quantum matter is formed as well as a solvent into which quantum matter is absorbed.
It propagates energy by quantum particle wave transmission.
It is transparent to all non-quantum matter moving through it.
Discrete fields of it move omni-directionally through other fields without any field physically influencing another.
It expands and contracts in proportion to electromagnetic activity within it.
From the instant a particle of matter first precipitated out of Fm, a process which consumed massive volumetric quantities of Fm for each quantum particle created, Fm sought reabsorption of the particle into solution. In a low heat environment, the resorption of quantum matter takes an amount of time too long to measure. In an opposite extreme of heat, the return of matter to Fm solution proceeds quite rapidly.

The resorption of a quantum particle into Fm can cause three different reactions. First, when the particle has an initial directional velocity, the compression its arrival causes in the Fm matrix instantly forces a duplicate particle into material existence in a kind of pressure release mechanism, and the replacement “clone” particle will materialize in the direction of travel of the original. The successive third particle, likewise, will replace the instantly resorbed second particle, and so on. A sequential particle repetition will continue in the direction of its predecessor like a wave and will progress with light speed. The electromagnetic force is, therefore, energy transmitted by the Firmamentum matrix through sequential, directional materialization and reabsorption of quantum particles. Ninety to ninety-five percent of the unobservable physical mass in the universe exists in the sum total of particles which briefly appear during quantum wave propagation.

The location of a particle can be observed only when the particle pops out of Fm at the instant of observation, but it will appear to have no velocity, because it has none. It has a direction of pressure, but no velocity. However, if a measure of the velocity of the particle is attempted, the appearance-disappearance-appearance of sequential particle clones would look like the crests and troughs of a wave progression whose wave speed of propagation could be ascertained, but the position of a discrete particle would be indeterminate, because the same particle would not appear again in a subsequent location in the wave progression. Therefore, this method of wave propogation provides for the speed of light to remain constant regardless of the direction of travel or velocity of an observer.

Secondly, the resorption of a quantum particle with an initial velocity may produce an effect related to the first example. More than one clone may be produced from the absorption of the first particle and, thereby, set into existence their own clone particle propagation sequences. A single beam of photons, for example, can produce under controlled conditions duplicate light patterns at different locations at the same time on a screen.

The third result of particle absorption is the most profound. The resorption of a particle, which had no initial velocity, releases to the Fm matrix the massive volume of Fm which was originally condensed into the creation of the particle. With no initial velocity imparted to the particle, no directional pressure cloning occurs, so the Fm volumetric expansion from particle resorption remains “in solution” and pushes outward in all directions.

Massive amounts of heat, such as those which occur during nuclear fusion and fission, produce prodigious measures of easily dissolvable particles. Black holes and stars are major Fermamentum reabsorption centers for quantum matter, and the combined activity of all black holes and stars results in a massive increase in Fm volume which puts enormous outward pressure on the total Fm in the universe. The accelerating dispersion of the galaxies is a direct result of the Fm increase and time force as described later herein. As quantum particles dissolve into the matrix, atomic and sub-atomic matter which are quantum dependent for component bonding may disintegrate into their smaller constituents, the quantum debris and exported energy which are the omnidirectional sources of cosmic background radiation.




Time is defined as an interval between events. However, could time be much more? Simple observation indicates that time is a fundamental, irreducible actor in the physical universe. How can this assertion be verified?

The elementary fact is that clock time with a unit of matter appears constant to an observer so long as the unit velocity is unchanged. In an ambient field of relatively static Fm, time will resist any change in its clock with a unit of matter by pushing against a change in the unit’s velocity. Thus, it is the time force which imparts inertia to matter and thereby becomes the source of all energy.

The characteristics of time establish its fundamental and vital role in the physical universe.

Time exists only in the presence of mass.
Time quantifies the interval between events involving particles of mass within the Fm matrix.
Event clock time with a unit mass changes inversely to velocity change of the mass relative to its ambient Fm.
Time applies force on mass when Fm and mass accelerate (decelerate) in relation to each other.
In every context herein, all matter has mass, and, in all cases, the physical result of mass acceleration or deceleration in Fm is exactly the same as the Fm field’s deceleration or acceleration, respectively, relative to its embedded mass.




What is the source of all energy? Energy is the time force on mass that is accelerating in relation to its ambient field of Fm.

The amount of force that time exerts on a unit of matter will increase in direct proportion to the rate of change in velocity (acceleration) of that unit relative to the Fm field. If Fm is accelerating at the same rate and in the same direction as the matter within it, then the time force on the matter will be zero, because the relative velocities will be the same.

When Fm accelerates through a unit of matter, which itself is relatively “fixed and unmoving,” then a time force is applied to the unit, and each incremental change in velocity of Fm with relation to the unit resets the clock time for the unit.

For example, Fm, which is accelerating toward Earth in its dissolving action against Earth’s quantum mass, passes through a man who is high above the earth. The time force acts on the man and pushes down on him. The man is forced by time to achieve the same increasing velocity as the ambient Fm until he reaches the surface and stops. The accelerating Fm jumps relative to the man, and the time force pins him down. Furthermore, the tick tock of the man’s watch is slower on the ground than at altitude, because the velocity of Fm flow through the watch is greater at the surface.

Centrifugal force occurs because a revolving mass is constantly accelerating toward its center of rotation. The acceleration of the rotating matter through the Fm field brings the time force against the rotating components of the unit and pushes them outward, away from the rotational center. Thus, the time forces impose force vectors on all the rotating mass, and they vary in direct proportion to the rate of spin, i.e., their rate of acceleration toward the center of rotation through Fm. A mass, such as a wheel, rotating with sufficient speed will develop a time force vector outwardly on the mass so that it will resist visiting forces perpendicular to the plane of rotation. The wheel, thereby achieves gyroscopic stability.

Three time forces act when one body of matter is forced to circle another. The earth and moon can serve as models. The accelerating Fm flowing through the moon toward the earth pushes the moon earthward by time force, while the same force pushes the earth moonward because of the accelerating Fm flowing through earth to the moon. Besides these two time forces, the acceleration of the moon through Fm toward its center of rotation, the earth, causes the time force to push outward on the moon. The stability of the system remains so long as the outward force on the moon equals the sum total of the reciprocal earth-moon time forces.

The amount of Fm flow accelerating into a large body of matter is directly proportional to the amount of matter contained in the body. A relatively smaller body, the moon, has less inflow of Fm than the earth with the result that the time force pushes the moon toward the earth at a proportionally higher degree than that which pushes Earth toward the moon. The relative difference in the time forces on the two bodies is an accurate indication of the amount of matter contained in each, or, their “masses.” Mass, therefore, is an abbreviation to describe the amount of time force on a unit of matter in a field of accelerating Fm.

The universe, being chock full of matter, keeps Fm in a dynamic state of flow toward each particle. It has an infinite number of flow vectors, each accelerating toward a particle of matter in the cosmos. The varying directions and amounts of Fm flow towards discrete particles of matter will not append or diminish the amount or rate of flow of any other Fm which is moving in an opposite direction or in any bias. Fm is transparent to all matter moving through it, and it exerts no influence on any other fields traveling through it at different speeds or directions.

In the quantum world, the application of the time force on sub atomic particles is no different from that on larger masses.

During Fm’s absorption attack on matter, it accelerates directly toward the particle it is attempting to dissolve. As the Fm closes with the particle, its rate of acceleration increases. At the instant of closure, the acceleration up to the center of the particle has brought the velocity of Fm to relativistic speed. Quantum components of a particle that exist in a situation of accelerating Fm are forced inwardly together by the combination of Fm flows through each in a complex combination of force vectors — a powerful cementing action which holds the particle components in stable cohesion. The Fm decelerates as it passes through and away from the mass’s center and, thereby, continues to exert compressive time forces on the cluster of quantum components. The time forces on the particles will be strongest on those particles closest together and weaker on those at greater separation of distances from each other. The three forces called gravity, strong, and weak are, therefore, manifestations of the identical physical action of the time force against all matter which is in a relatively accelerating Fm field.

Light from a distant source can beam a duplicate image of itself to an Earth observer. As the photons propagate through Fm and pass by both sides of a galactic mass, the accelerating flow of Fm toward the mass knocks the photon beams, which themselves have mass, off their line of travel and bends the beams toward each other. When the inwardly bent beams come to focus at an Earth observer, a double image of the distant light source will appear.

The accelerating Fm inflows into a galaxy or black hole can begin from far distant realms and impose time forces on other galaxies. It flows in crisscrossing steamlets and rivers, in currents of infinite size and velocity. Every accelerated Fm flow opens up a time force on every speck of matter in the flow field.

Massive amounts of matter are being resorbed rapidly into the Fm matrix. The immense volume of Fm condensed into each particle is, across the universe, being returned in black holes and the furnaces of stars. Each new source of heat adds to the volume returned. The rapid increase in matter absorption puts increasing outward accelerated pressure on the universal volume of Fm, and the outward acceleration brings the time force to bear on the galaxies which are pushed away from each other while they constantly gain velocity. The outward acceleration will stop when the galaxies reach speeds equal to their ambient field of Fm.

An extreme event involving the dissolving of matter into Fm occurs during a super nova explosion. The quantity of Fm suddenly added to the matrix causes a compression shock wave which travels at a constant velocity across the cosmos. The increase in the velocity of matter in the path of the brief Fm burst will be undetectable without the use of highly sensitive instruments which can calibrate the change in clock time as the wave interacts with the instrument array.

All particles have their own “channels” of entry through which accelerating measures of Fm pass to effect absorption. The dissolving action of Fm on matter occurs at an offset of the channel to the center of particle mass. Thus, the accelerating Fm at a bias to the centerline brings the constant energy of the time force against the particle causing the particle to spin. The consistent flow of accelerating Fm into the particle at the same angular offset to its center line insures the steady rotation resulting from the persistent time force energy.

Two or more quantum particles bonded together through electron exchange will move chaotically and carom against other multiple particle combinations due to the multi-angular time forces against each set of particles. In a fluid mixture of unbonded particles, whether of the same or different atoms, the chaotic movement of each molecule will eventually diffuse all components evenly throughout the mixture, a situation which could not continue without the uninterrupted input of time force energy.

Magnetism occurs when all particles of matter in a system are held in exact orientation with respect to each other so that their channels of Fm entry are parallel. This identical orientation is caused by the dissolving action that accelerates Fm toward each particle from the same direction and brings parallel time forces against each particle. Fm is transparent to the movement of matter through it and the matter through which it moves. Therefore, a portion of the Fm, which completes its transversal through, continues beyond the body of matter, while much of it returns to the original point and re-enters, thus creating a constantly revolving cycle of accelerating and de-accelerating Fm. The body develops “poles” whereby accelerating Fm into the body at one pole invokes a time force toward the body, and the de-accelerating Fm causes a time force in the reverse direction at the opposite pole. The properties of magnets are directly attributable to the polarity of quantum particles and accelerating and decelerating Fm.

What is the universe and all that is in it? Fermamentum, matter, and time are the universe. Resplendent variations in cosmic phenomena derive from the power released by the interactions of these three players, yet without Fermamentum, the remaining two would not exist.



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